
Table of Contents


what is emacs?

  • portable lisp knitting bag
  • elisp interaction ouroboros
  • an os lacking a decent text editor

why is it powerful?

  • extensible
  • every package under the sun available
  • it won't die in 12 years cough atom cough (emacs is 47 years old as of 2023)




briefly used ubuntu for compiling aosp.


no contact with vim/emacs, have heard of them though and think of them as archaic text editors.


interested in vim and tiling window managers


installed vim, had to google how to quit vim

started learning vim and using it to write and learn C


started using vim prolifically, even wen't as far as copying a vim binary onto a usb so I could use vim in the computer labs at school (everyone else was using turbo pascal, i used that as a compiler and vim as my editor)

at this point my modal editing knowledge was about 60% of what it is today, most of the core things I learned back then I still use today; basic movement (h,j,k,l, gg, G, A, w, b), text manipulation (V, i), copy pasting (y, p), etc heard about emacs here and there in various irc channels


during this time my studies required me to focus on Visual Basic so my vim usage was minimal and limited to editing configuration files on my linux thinkpad occasionally


started seeing emacs related content on the web and youtube

installed emacs and thought it was convoluted, didn't really open it again


got a macbook for music production

briefly tried emacs and once again thought it was convoluted and went back to using vim for editing configuration files and minor note taking in markdown

got fedup of markdown and saw some cool packages for emacs like magit and the completion frameworks at the time (company, helm, etc)

started using emacs with doom-emacs framework and started using it for note taking in org-mode


attempted to edit doom and remove all the doom-y things about it (theme, modeline, etc)

realized i should just use vanilla emacs instead and build up instead of stripping down from doom

got fedup of dooms abstractions and decided to bite the bullet and build my own emacs configuration from scratch

started with an org-mode configuration




Author: Diamond Bond

Created: 2023-01-19 Thu 05:32
